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Churches Together in Windsor
Autumn 2020
Message from the Chair
Into darkness… came Light!
…was the strapline for a mission initiative run by Christians at Reading University when I was studying there many years ago.
In these strange days, as we enter the darker days of winter without yet knowing what we will or won’t be able to do to celebrate Christmas this year, it’s not a bad truth to hold onto. Indeed, just the other day there was a TV news report about people putting up Christmas decorations (very!) early as a way of finding light in the darkness.
The opening words of John’s Gospel remind us that Jesus came into the darkness of our broken world with all its hurts to shed the light of God’s love, and that ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (John 1:5)
Every aspect of Christmas that is cancelled or curtailed by the darkness of the current pandemic therefore provides us with an opportunity to shed the light of God’s love to overcome our circumstances. For example, sadly but inevitably this year the decision had to be taken to cancel our flagship event, Carols on the Hill. In its place, we plan to publish a ‘Virtual Advent Calendar’ comprised of daily readings, songs and performances recorded by Christians and churches in Windsor and posted online. A bit more detail is shown in this newsletter, and if you have a creative idea that you would like your church to contribute, your minister or church leader will be delighted to hear from you! Our prayer is that this initiative will be one way in which we can bring God’s light into these dark days.
As you go through the coming weeks, may you know the present reality of Jesus, the Light of the World, illuminating your path. And may you in turn find opportunities to show the light of God’s love to family and friends, colleagues and neighbours, so that they too may know that ‘into darkness… came Light!’
Rev Matthew Scott
Chair, Churches Together in Windsor
For your diaries:
The Churches Together in Windsor Annual Assembly will take place by zoom (see link details below) on Thursday 19th November at 7.30pm (social time) before a short business meeting at 8pm:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 6263 3842
Passcode: 626024
There will not be a talk following the meeting on this occasion. Key items in the business meeting will be the Report from the Chair; Treasurer’s report: proposal to decrease subscriptions this year; Election of Core Group members and election of officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer). Every congregation subscribing to Churches Together in Windsor has one vote at the Annual Assembly; any number of representatives may attend (preferably at least 1 clergy and 1 lay person per congregation). Please could congregations let Jacoby (secretary) know in advance who will be attending the meeting and who has been nominated by the congregation to exercise the vote ([email protected]). All nominations welcome for anyone who would like to join the Core Group (also to Jacoby please).
Carols on the Hill will not take place this year but there will be “Virtual advent calendar” events during December uploaded onto the CTW website ( Churches should already have received an email from the Revd. Rosie Webb with the short scripture text to provide the theme for each day. The churches are taking turns to provide a short YouTube video (2-5 minutes long) for the day, which will include reading, acting, singing or other creative ways to help us reflect on the scripture and bring the Christmas message to people. Clearly, we can’t have our traditional bucket collection this year, but we are still aiming to support two charities. Our nominated charities this year are:
1 Cruse Bereavement Care Thames Valley Berkshire ( – the local branch of a national charity providing free advice, information and support to adults, young people and children who are struggling to cope with grief arising from bereavement. Donations can be made direct to this charity via the donation page and selecting Thames Valley from the drop down list.
2 East to West ( bringing hope to young lives all across Surrey and Windsor; supporting local children, young people and their families struggling with difficult and damaging issues. Donations can be made direct to this charity via:
Contact details for the churches are as follows:
Holy Trinity (Parish and Garrison Church),
Claremont Road & Trinity Place, Windsor, SL4 3AX
Telephone 01753 862776 (Church Office – staffed part-time) or 01753 862419
Minister: The Revd Canon Sally Lodge
email [email protected]
All Saints’ Church
Frances Road, Windsor, SL4 1HU
Telephone: 01753 862419
Minister: Revd Canon Sally Lodge 01753 862419
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
St Stephen & St Agnes, Clewer
Vansittart Road, Windsor, SL4 5EA
Telephone: 01753 858720
Minister: The Revd Canon Sally Lodge 01753 862419
E-mail: [email protected]
All Saints’ Church
Dedworth Road, Windsor, SL4 4JW
Telephone: 01753 841710
Minister: Vacancy
E-mail: via website contact us page (
St Andrew’s Clewer
The Incumbent: Revd Rosie Webb – [email protected] Tel: 01753 852334
Church Warden: Stuart Cockman – [email protected] Tel: 07963568029
Parish Office: Administrator Sharon Robinson [email protected] Tel: 01753 864169
Out of hours office mobile – 07490 094261
Pastoral Helpline Number: 07946590223
Parish website: facebook page: St Andrews Clewer
St George’s Chapel
Windsor Castle, Windsor, SL4 1NJ
Telephone: 01753 848888; recorded information line 01753 865538
Minister: Dean and Canons of Windsor
email [email protected]
Windsor Fellowship Church
Windsor Youth and Community Centre, Alma Road, Windsor, SL4 3HD
Telephone: 01753 257868/07919 577676
Minister: Vacancy
E-mail: [email protected]
Kings Church International
Office: King’s House, 77a Frances Road, Windsor, SL4 3AQ
Telephone: 01753 832444
Ministers: Pastors Wes & Adriana Richards
E-mail: [email protected]
Unit 3, Fairacres Industrial Estate,
Dedworth Rd, Windsor SL4 4LE
Telephone: +44 (0) 1344 862699
Minister: Leon Johnson
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Dedworth Green Baptist Church,
Smiths Lane, Windsor, SL4 5PE
Telephone: 01753-832002
Minister: Revd. Matthew Scott
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Windsor Baptist Church,
Victoria Street, Windsor, SL4 1EH
Telephone: 01753 868060
Minister: Revd. Kat Bracewell
Community Pastoral Manager: Kate Saunders [email protected] Tel 07802512750
E-mail [email protected]; [email protected]
Alma Road, Windsor, SL4 3HH
Telephone: 01753 867117
Minister: Revd. Vicci Davidson
E-mail via the “contact us” page:
Christ Church: William Street, Windsor, SL4 1BA
Telephone: 01753 862007
Minister: Revd. Alan Wickens
E-mail: [email protected]
St. Edward’s Church
44 Alma Road, Windsor, SL4 3HJ
St Mark’s Church
Dedworth Road, Windsor, SL4 4JS
Telephone: 01753 865163
Minister: Canon David Hopgood
E-mail: [email protected]