Author Archives: Jacoby
CTW Autumn 2024 Newsletter
CTW Spring 2024 Newsletter
Good Friday Witness 2024
Holy Week & Easter Services 2024
CTW Autumn newsletter 2020
Churches Together in Windsor
Autumn 2020
Message from the Chair
Into darkness… came Light!
…was the strapline for a mission initiative run by Christians at Reading University when I was studying there many years ago.
In these strange days, as we enter the darker days of winter without yet knowing what we will or won’t be able to do to celebrate Christmas this year, it’s not a bad truth to hold onto. Indeed, just the other day there was a TV news report about people putting up Christmas decorations (very!) early as a way of finding light in the darkness.
The opening words of John’s Gospel remind us that Jesus came into the darkness of our broken world with all its hurts to shed the light of God’s love, and that ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (John 1:5)
Every aspect of Christmas that is cancelled or curtailed by the darkness of the current pandemic therefore provides us with an opportunity to shed the light of God’s love to overcome our circumstances. For example, sadly but inevitably this year the decision had to be taken to cancel our flagship event, Carols on the Hill. In its place, we plan to publish a ‘Virtual Advent Calendar’ comprised of daily readings, songs and performances recorded by Christians and churches in Windsor and posted online. A bit more detail is shown in this newsletter, and if you have a creative idea that you would like your church to contribute, your minister or church leader will be delighted to hear from you! Our prayer is that this initiative will be one way in which we can bring God’s light into these dark days.
As you go through the coming weeks, may you know the present reality of Jesus, the Light of the World, illuminating your path. And may you in turn find opportunities to show the light of God’s love to family and friends, colleagues and neighbours, so that they too may know that ‘into darkness… came Light!’
Rev Matthew Scott
Chair, Churches Together in Windsor
For your diaries:
The Churches Together in Windsor Annual Assembly will take place by zoom (see link details below) on Thursday 19th November at 7.30pm (social time) before a short business meeting at 8pm:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 6263 3842
Passcode: 626024
There will not be a talk following the meeting on this occasion. Key items in the business meeting will be the Report from the Chair; Treasurer’s report: proposal to decrease subscriptions this year; Election of Core Group members and election of officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer). Every congregation subscribing to Churches Together in Windsor has one vote at the Annual Assembly; any number of representatives may attend (preferably at least 1 clergy and 1 lay person per congregation). Please could congregations let Jacoby (secretary) know in advance who will be attending the meeting and who has been nominated by the congregation to exercise the vote ([email protected]). All nominations welcome for anyone who would like to join the Core Group (also to Jacoby please).
Carols on the Hill will not take place this year but there will be “Virtual advent calendar” events during December uploaded onto the CTW website ( Churches should already have received an email from the Revd. Rosie Webb with the short scripture text to provide the theme for each day. The churches are taking turns to provide a short YouTube video (2-5 minutes long) for the day, which will include reading, acting, singing or other creative ways to help us reflect on the scripture and bring the Christmas message to people. Clearly, we can’t have our traditional bucket collection this year, but we are still aiming to support two charities. Our nominated charities this year are:
1 Cruse Bereavement Care Thames Valley Berkshire ( – the local branch of a national charity providing free advice, information and support to adults, young people and children who are struggling to cope with grief arising from bereavement. Donations can be made direct to this charity via the donation page and selecting Thames Valley from the drop down list.
2 East to West ( bringing hope to young lives all across Surrey and Windsor; supporting local children, young people and their families struggling with difficult and damaging issues. Donations can be made direct to this charity via:
Contact details for the churches are as follows:
Holy Trinity (Parish and Garrison Church),
Claremont Road & Trinity Place, Windsor, SL4 3AX
Telephone 01753 862776 (Church Office – staffed part-time) or 01753 862419
Minister: The Revd Canon Sally Lodge
email [email protected]
All Saints’ Church
Frances Road, Windsor, SL4 1HU
Telephone: 01753 862419
Minister: Revd Canon Sally Lodge 01753 862419
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
St Stephen & St Agnes, Clewer
Vansittart Road, Windsor, SL4 5EA
Telephone: 01753 858720
Minister: The Revd Canon Sally Lodge 01753 862419
E-mail: [email protected]
All Saints’ Church
Dedworth Road, Windsor, SL4 4JW
Telephone: 01753 841710
Minister: Vacancy
E-mail: via website contact us page (
St Andrew’s Clewer
The Incumbent: Revd Rosie Webb – [email protected] Tel: 01753 852334
Church Warden: Stuart Cockman – [email protected] Tel: 07963568029
Parish Office: Administrator Sharon Robinson [email protected] Tel: 01753 864169
Out of hours office mobile – 07490 094261
Pastoral Helpline Number: 07946590223
Parish website: facebook page: St Andrews Clewer
St George’s Chapel
Windsor Castle, Windsor, SL4 1NJ
Telephone: 01753 848888; recorded information line 01753 865538
Minister: Dean and Canons of Windsor
email [email protected]
Windsor Fellowship Church
Windsor Youth and Community Centre, Alma Road, Windsor, SL4 3HD
Telephone: 01753 257868/07919 577676
Minister: Vacancy
E-mail: [email protected]
Kings Church International
Office: King’s House, 77a Frances Road, Windsor, SL4 3AQ
Telephone: 01753 832444
Ministers: Pastors Wes & Adriana Richards
E-mail: [email protected]
Unit 3, Fairacres Industrial Estate,
Dedworth Rd, Windsor SL4 4LE
Telephone: +44 (0) 1344 862699
Minister: Leon Johnson
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Dedworth Green Baptist Church,
Smiths Lane, Windsor, SL4 5PE
Telephone: 01753-832002
Minister: Revd. Matthew Scott
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Windsor Baptist Church,
Victoria Street, Windsor, SL4 1EH
Telephone: 01753 868060
Minister: Revd. Kat Bracewell
Community Pastoral Manager: Kate Saunders [email protected] Tel 07802512750
E-mail [email protected]; [email protected]
Alma Road, Windsor, SL4 3HH
Telephone: 01753 867117
Minister: Revd. Vicci Davidson
E-mail via the “contact us” page:
Christ Church: William Street, Windsor, SL4 1BA
Telephone: 01753 862007
Minister: Revd. Alan Wickens
E-mail: [email protected]
St. Edward’s Church
44 Alma Road, Windsor, SL4 3HJ
St Mark’s Church
Dedworth Road, Windsor, SL4 4JS
Telephone: 01753 865163
Minister: Canon David Hopgood
E-mail: [email protected]
CTW Autumn newsletter 2019
Churches Together in Windsor
Autumn 2019
Message from the Chair
Living in community
Welcome to the latest CTW newsletter. We hope you find it informative and helpful in letting you know about the various joint initiatives that Christians and churches across Windsor are working on together in the coming months.
The idea of building community through loving, supportive relationships lies at the heart of what Jesus Christ taught, and reflects the nature of God, who wants us to experience life ‘to the full’. I see something of that happening in each and every activity that takes place in our churches. The sense of community becomes even more pronounced when our churches work together with each other and with our wider local community for the benefit of our neighbours.
Nowhere was that more visible in the past year than in the extraordinary way that church and community pulled together last winter to provide a Night Shelter for the local homeless community. So as well as noting the various Christmas celebrations and other events taking place in the coming months, and putting those in your diary, please consider volunteering for this year’s Night Shelter. You can find out more at the volunteer meeting on 21st September, details of which are included in this bulletin. Meanwhile, please pray for every aspect of this significant initiative.
At the heart of our life together as the Church in Windsor are the activities that encourage us to explore, build and celebrate our shared faith in Jesus. Although summer is barely over, plans for the forthcoming Christmas season are well in hand, with details becoming available on each church’s web site over the coming weeks. Perhaps the largest event run by CTW is ‘Carols on the Hill’, scheduled this year for Friday 13th December (6pm). Hundreds of residents and visitors enjoy this celebration every year. If you’ve never attended this fantastic occasion before, why not join us as we share the good news of Jesus with our local community this year?
Rev Matthew Scott
Chair, Churches Together in Windsor
The annual Good Friday Witness took place outside the Post Office and was well attended. This was a very important opportunity for all Christians to witness to our faith together.
“Thy Kingdom Come” is an ecumenical prayer initiative during the period between Ascension Day (May 30th) and Pentecost (June 9th). Various services and prayer initiatives took place in different churches and at different times of the day during that period, finishing with a picnic in Alexandra Gardens, with everyone wearing flame-coloured clothes to honour the Holy Spirit.
For your diary:
“More than a shelter”
The Churches in Windsor will come together and take responsibility to open their parish hall one or more nights a week to accommodate the rough sleepers and marginalised in our community during the harshest months of the year.
There are a range of activities to include:
• helping with the shelter shifts (evening, overnight and morning shifts)
• helping with the preparation of evening meals and breakfasts
• helping with general administration tasks
No previous experience is required as training will be provided. All volunteers will be required to attend mandatory training sessions for safeguarding, first aid and volunteer training.
If you are interested in volunteering for this very important ministry and would like to find out more, then please join us at our Volunteer Meeting and Party Saturday 21 September 7-9pm at
St Edward’s Parish Hall, Alma Road, Windsor.
Interested and would like more information then please….
visit the More Than a Shelter webpage:
join our new More Than a Shelter Windsor Group Facebook page:
Please sign up for this important ministry!
If you are not able to attend the meeting and are interested in volunteering for the evening, night and breakfast shifts or becoming involved in this project?
Please send an email with your name and contact details to: [email protected]
Watch out for further information in the coming weeks. Please continue to pray for God’s leading and provision as the practicalities of the Shelter are implemented.
As part of the ecumenical Season of Creation which starts on 1 September and runs until 4 October (see, the following events will be taking place in Windsor:
On Sunday 22 September at 5pm, there will be a Taizé-style Service celebrating all God’s creatures and reflecting on the ‘Web of Life’ at Windsor Baptist Church, Victoria Street, SL4 1EH. The service will be quiet & reflective, focusing on the diversity of God’s Creation & the part that we play in it. There will be refreshments after the service and a chance for different church congregations to meet, reflect and chat together.
On Saturday 28 September at 10.30-2.30pm there will be a Community celebration with craft workshop starting at 10.30, produce stalls, dancing & lunch from 12.30 at Windsor Methodist Church, Alma Road, Windsor SL4 3HH. Entrance is free. Any monies raised fromt eh stalls/lunch will be donated to Windsor Foodshare.
Ceidlidh Dance for Christian Aid on Friday 1 November, Gardener’s Hall, St Leonard’s Road, 7.30 – 10.30 pm. Purchase tickets in advance as there are a limited number of places to give us space to dance! Ceilidh dancing is like barn dancing, but more fun. You do not need a partner; just be able to count to eight and know your right from your left! All dances will be called. Admission is £8 plus a plate of finger food to share. Your ticket price includes a glass of wine and the bar will be open to purchase other drinks. Call Anne Montminy on 01753 852874 to buy tickets or for more information. Any profits will go to Christian Aid’s Emergency Aid appeal.
The Churches Together in Windsor Annual Assembly will be held on Thursday 21st November at 7.30 for 7.45pm at the Methodist Church, Alma Rd, Windsor, SL4 3HH. This will be followed by a talk by Revd Simon Smith, Head of patient and family support at Thames Hospice which will give us an opportunity to find out more about the work of our local hospice.
Christian Aid Advent Service: Sunday 8 December, All Saints Church Dedworth, 5 pm.
Carols on the Hill will take place on Friday 13th December at 6pm by Queen Victoria’s statue in front of Windsor Castle.
The local Carers Support Group meets at Dedworth Green Baptist Church on the 2nd Monday of the month 10.30am – 12.00 noon. We are supported by Signal and representatives from Signal attend the sessions. The group is open to anyone who is in a caring role.
Request for help
Windsor Homeless Project (WHP)
Assistant to the WHP Manager
The Windsor Homeless Project (WHP) is an organisation that helps local homeless and vulnerable people rebuild their lives. An exciting new role has been created to work alongside the WHP Manager and support him in all aspects of this work, including:
• Creating a hospitable, respectful and hopeful environment where guests needs can be assessed and help can be offered to meet those needs.
• Supervising Project staff and volunteers.
• Maintaining strong relationships with partner agencies.
• Managing external communication and relevant administration tasks.
Experience of working with people with complex needs, vulnerabilities and challenging behaviour is important, and the successful candidate should have a sympathetic and flexible working approach, be a team player and have good interpersonal and communication skills. A satisfactory enhanced DBS check will also be required for working with adults at risk.
This is a part time role of 20 hours per week. Core hours are Mon, Weds, Fri 10.30am – 2.45pm (every week) and Saturday 12.30-2.30pm (once a month). These core hours will be spent at the Project. Other hours can be worked flexibly. The salary is negotiable depending on experience and qualifications. The role is based at our drop-in centre at Holy Trinity Garrison Church, Trinity Place, Windsor SL4 3BB.
For a full Job Description please contact [email protected]. To apply please send your CV with a covering note, outlining why you are applying for this opportunity and the three most relevant skills or attributes you would bring to the role.
The closing date for applications is Monday 30th September 2019
Spring newsletter 2019
Message from the Chair
‘Pray to the Lord…’ for the place where you live
Welcome to the latest CTW newsletter. We hope you find it informative and helpful in letting you know about the various joint initiatives that Christians and churches across Windsor are working on together in the coming months.
The Bible often uses the language of ‘exile’ to describe what it’s like to try and live as Christians in a broken world. The apostle Peter writes to the church in exile, calling it to live counter-culturally (1 Peter 1:1, 2:11). Paul challenges us ‘If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.’ (Romans 12:18), and Jeremiah, writing to the exiled nation of Israel, goes so far as to say ‘…seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.’ (Jeremiah 29:7)
Many of the activities mentioned in this newsletter seek the welfare of the various communities where we live in Windsor. And in addition to all the existing initiatives, it has been fantastic to see the way that people have worked together to ensure the success of the recent Night Shelter project for the town’s homeless community.
As churches working together in Windsor, it is important that these activities are underpinned by our prayers for the town, which is why the work of Churches Together in Windsor involves creating opportunities for joint worship and prayer, such as is seen at Carols on the Hill at Christmastime, the Good Friday act of witness at Easter, and our involvement in the international ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ prayer initiative at Pentecost.
We do all these things because Jesus Christ chose to be exiled from the riches of heaven to become part of our human race, so that we in turn could become members of God’s family. That is the Good News of the Gospel; it’s the good news of Easter – and it is good news worth sharing in our prayer and care for our town.
Rev Matthew Scott
Chair, Churches Together in Windsor
“More than a shelter”
Emilie writes: More Than a Shelter has now closed its doors. Just to say a big thank you to everyone for all your support, hard work and commitment to this important ministry. The churches, supporting charities, parishioners, volunteers and guests ‘our friends’ made this pilot project a wonderful success. It has been a truly remarkable, inspirational, humbling and enjoyable experience to have had the opportunity to work on this pilot project with our wonderful community. Thank you so much.
World Day of Prayer
This was held as usual on the first Friday in March, this year hosted by All Saints’, Frances Road, and we raised £250 for charitable projects. Many thanks to all who participated and donated so generously.
For your diary: Easter services:
Christ Church URC:
A joint service for Maundy Thursday will be held at 7pm at the United Church of Egham led by Revd. Alan Wickens
Good Friday 10.30am; Service, prior to the Town Centre act of witness, led by Scott Wheeler
Easter Sunday 10.30am; Morning Worship with Holy Communion led by Revd Alan Wickens
Dedworth Green Baptist Church:
Maundy Thursday 18th April 7:30pm communion service
Good Friday 19th April 10am combined service with All Saints Dedworth and Kerith Church at All Saints Dedworth
Easter Sunday all age service 21st April 10:30am
Windsor Fellowship:
Good Friday 10am – All Age retelling of the 1st Good Friday
Good Friday 11am – An hour at the cross – quiet reflection
Easter Sunday 4pm – All Age Easter celebration
Catholic Windsor: St Edward’s & St Mark’s
Holy Thursday 18th April: Mass of the Last Supper 19.30 St Edward’s
Watching at Altar of Repose from 21.00 – 23.00 St Edward’s
Good Friday 19th April:
Children’s Good Friday Service 10.30 St Edward’s
Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday 15.00 St Edward’s
Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday 15.00 St Mark’s
Holy Saturday 20th April: Easter Vigil 20.00 St Edward’s
Easter Day 21st April: Mass 9.30 St Mark’s and Mass 11.00 St Edward’s
18th April Maundy Thursday: 8.00pm – Service of Holy Communion with Rev Sonia Hicks
19th April Good Friday: 10.30am Worship with Rev Sonia Hicks
20th April Holy Saturday: 8.30pm Joint Service at St Edward’s
21st April Easter Day: 10.30am Morning Worship with Holy Communion. Led by Rev John Hellyer (Chair: South East District of Methodist Church)
6.30pm Circuit Service with Holy Communion at Eton Wick
For further information about local services, consult the church websites:
Windsor Christian Aid reports a fantastic response to the Cyclone Idai Emergency Appeal – over £2100 has already been raised, plus more church collections are scheduled for this Sunday, plus the Catholic appeal which went via CAFOD.
Christian Aid Week 2019 – a new red envelope to deliver but not collect!
Ever wondered how to help out in Christian Aid week but not sure how? This year Christian Aid have produced new envelopes for delivering to our streets which have a ‘no-reply’ option: you don’t have to go back and collect them but they have a local address or church to which they can be returned if people would like to give. In some towns they have successfully covered many more streets with red envelopes than ever before – a great Christian witness – and a new way of reaching new people.
So we are hoping that we can cover more streets in Windsor, as many of you might be willing to just deliver envelopes to your own street, or one or two nearby, without any obligation to go back and knock on the door and collect them, as has traditionally been the need.
If you would like to do this, please contact your church representative (see below) or contact Tracy Tickle on [email protected] or 07773 997716. It would be great to double the number of streets we cover!
Look out for more information in your churches about events in Christian Aid week – 12-18 May– Big Brekkies, quizzes, plant and cake sales, sponsored runs, Messy Church and toddler group fun – all coming to a church near you!
Local Church Representatives:
Windsor Methodist Church – Susy Shearer, Graham and Mary Brown
All Saints Church, Dedworth – Ruth Norris
St Edwards and St Marks RC Church – Sarah Gardner and Noel Lobo
Dedworth Green Baptist Church – Janet Dent
URC William Street – Anne Montminy
St Andrew’s Clewer – Mulle Price
Windsor Baptist Church – Sue Goode
“Thy Kingdom Come” is an ecumenical prayer initiative during the period between Ascension Day (May 30th) and Pentecost (June 9th). Look out for details of services and prayer initiatives taking place in different churches and at different times of the day during that period, which will be advertised in due course.
The local Carers Support Group meets at Dedworth Green Baptist Church on the 2nd Monday of the month 10.30am – 12.00 noon. We are supported by Signal and representatives from Signal attend the sessions. The group is open to anyone who is in a caring role.
Autumn newsletter 2018
Churches Together in Windsor: Newsletter: Autumn 2018
Message from the Chair
‘What does the Lord require of you?’
Welcome to the latest CTW newsletter. We hope you find it informative and helpful in letting you know about the various joint initiatives that Christians and churches across Windsor are working on together in the coming months.
In recent years, Christians around the world have increasingly worked together to encourage deeper Christian commitment to the poor, and to challenge world leaders to act with justice. Many have worked together under a global coalition, the ‘Micah Challenge’, inspired by these words from the prophet Micah: – ‘He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ (Micah 6:8)
As Christians in Windsor continue to work together to transform lives in our town, both through existing initiatives and through exploring potential new ones (see, for example, news about a possible Night Shelter under consideration), it is vital that all three aspects of Micah’s challenge are in place. It is not enough just to act justly and love mercy. If we are to truly transform people’s lives, God calls us to walk humbly with him as well. In other words, our acts of love and mercy need to take place in the context of prayer and worship, both individually and collectively, in order to be an effective sign of God’s love to our neighbours.
As you can see from some of the events shown in this newsletter, Christmas will once again approach more quickly than we expect. That season reminds us that Jesus Christ came into our world as ‘Immanuel – God with us’… to make it possible for us to walk with God as we go through life throughout the year.
As you and your church endeavour to ‘walk humbly with God’, may you discover the acts of justice and mercy to which he is calling you to devote your energies, in order to make a real difference to people in Windsor.
Rev Matthew Scott
Chair, Churches Together in Windsor
Good Friday Witness was held on Friday 30th March at 12 noon by the Post Office on Peascod St – this was a very important opportunity for all Christians to witness to our faith together.
“Thy Kingdom Come” initiative: Jesus invites all his followers to pray in His name to the Father confidently and expectantly. In the power of the Holy Spirit we pray together as one family. All Christians share this gift of the Lord’s Prayer. When we pray ‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done’ we long for Christ’s transforming love to bring hope and joy to all. Earlier this year many of the churches in England took up the invitation of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to set aside the days leading up to Pentecost Sunday to pray for the renewing and empowering presence of the Holy Spirit to make Christ real in our midst, for the flourishing of all. The purpose was “to encourage our brothers and sisters in churches of all traditions to partner in praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ in the days leading up to Pentecost. Our “Thy Kingdom Come” time in Windsor started with the Women’s World Day of Prayer service (postponed form usual data in March due to bad weather) at 7pm on Friday 11th May at Dedworth Green Baptist Church and concluded with a Taize service on 20th May. In future years we will continue to focus on the week leading up to Pentecost for our Christian Unity prayers and services, and we are hoping to conclude the week in 2019 with an open-air service.
“For your diary”:
Christian Aid Autumn Action in Windsor!
The Windsor Christian Aid Group are holding a range of events this Autumn to support the work of Christian Aid. Christian Aid is the official relief and development agency of 41 British and Irish churches, and works to support sustainable development, end poverty and provide disaster relief in 45 countries. The Windsor group is made up of a handful of volunteers representing the different churches in Windsor. Please consider coming along and taking part? We are always looking for more members of the group, or people who would like to volunteer to help us.
This Autumn Christian Aid has a matching grant from the EU which means that money raised during their Harvest Appeal will be multiplied x 5 and go so much further. So we want to raise as much as we can! For information on any of these events or our activities, please contact [email protected] for more information, or to find out how to get involved.
Ceidlidh Dance
Friday 21 September 7.30 pm at Gardeners Hall, 213 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, SL4 3DR.
Tickets £7, plus bring a plate of finger food to share. Glass of wine included, bar open.
Proceeds to Christian Aid.
Taize Service, celebrating creation and harvest and all God’s goodness to us
Sunday 30 September, 5.00 pm, St Agnes Foundation Music and Faith Centre, St Leonard’s Road, Windsor
Refreshments to follow, in aid of Christian Aid
Peascod Street Collection
Saturday 24 November, 10.00 am – 2.00 pm, come and give out balloons or hold a bucket in Peascod Street.
Coffee morning and refreshments available at Christ Church URC Church, William Street, Windsor, all morning.
Christian Aid Advent Hope Service
Sunday 9 December, 5.00 pm, Windsor Baptist Church, Victoria Street, Windsor SL4 1EH
Refreshments to follow.
An opportunity to gather with Christians from all around Windsor to celebrate Advent, listen to readings, reflections and songs for the season and find out more about Christian Aid’s work. This year hosted kindly by Windsor Baptist Church.
We believe in life before death!
Windsor Homeless Night Shelter Pilot Project
In response to seeing an increasing number of rough sleepers in the Windsor area, an idea is proposed to open church buildings in the Windsor area to accommodate rough sleepers for a pilot period of 4 weeks during the harshest winter weather, starting on 21 January 2019. The objectives are:
- To provide a safe and warm overnight place of rest to rough sleepers over the harshest winter weather period.
- To provide a hot meal in the evening and a simple breakfast in the morning.
- To provide a listening ear and friendship to those who would like to enter into conversation with volunteers.
- To assist in helping rough sleepers improve their long term life situation in view of their physical needs.
Please watch out for further information in the coming weeks, and would you please pray for God’s leading and provision as the practicalities of this project are explored.
Anyone interested in becoming involved in this project, please contact Emilie Chana at: [email protected]
Dedworth Green Baptist Church holds a fortnightly Games afternoon between 2.00 – 4.00pm on Saturday afternoons. Games suitable for all generations from table tennis, snooker, skittles, a variety of board games etc. – details can be found on our website
Also the local Carers Support Group meets at Dedworth Green Baptist Church on the 2nd Monday of the month 10.30am – 12.00 noon. We are supported by Signal and representatives from Signal attend the sessions. The group is open to anyone who is in a caring role.
The ‘Illuminate’ initiative is being organised by Christian Connections in Schools (CCiS) in several schools in Slough and Windsor for 8th – 13th October. This involves a band of Christian rappers called LZ7 coming into local schools including Windsor Girls school. They ask what are the issues you are dealing with? (e.g. drugs, gangs, suicide, self-image) – and help students to think through such issues (pointing towards Gospel). The week ends with a concert.
The Churches Together in Windsor Annual Assembly will be held on Thursday 22nd November at 7.30 for 7.45pm at the Methodist Church, Alma Rd, Windsor, SL4 3HH.
Carols on the Hill will take place on Friday 14th December at 6pm by Queen Victoria’s statue in front of Windsor Castle.
CTW Spring newsletter 2018
Churches Together in Windsor: Newsletter: Spring 2018
Message from the Chair
‘May they be one…’
Welcome to the latest CTW newsletter. We hope you find it informative and helpful in letting you know about the various joint initiatives that Christians and churches across Windsor are working on together in the coming months.
During the autumn, my wife Pauline and I enjoyed a three-month period of sabbatical leave. As well as taking the opportunity to enjoy life at a slower pace, we spent time reflecting on the theme of ‘Gospel partnerships’, by learning about some of the many movements of Christian unity that God has been prompting to bless towns and cities across the UK and around the world in recent years.
Meanwhile, we were also privileged to witness the amazing autumn spectacle of starling murmurations on no fewer than five occasions – something that we had never seen before. It got me thinking… if thousands upon thousands of starlings can create a display of beauty without knocking each other out of the sky, why, so to speak, can’t Christians, or the Church, or the human race in general?
Before giving his life for us on that first Good Friday, Jesus prayed for us, ‘that they may be one, Father, just as you and I are one’ (John 17:21). It was a prayer for the unity of the Church in all its rich diversity. For me, the answer to that prayer is pictured in the sight of thousands of starlings from dozens of flocks all acting as one, each flock retaining its own identity while working well with the others, and each bird so sensitive to those around it that none of them is harmed and all are protected.
There are already a number of great examples of Christians and churches working together with each other and with the local authorities to bless Windsor. As we continue to share in the various initiatives described in this newsletter, I would encourage you to join in praying Jesus’ prayer ‘that they may be one’; and to join in being part of the answer to that prayer. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a watching world in our town was so amazed at the beauty of what they saw that they wanted to join in?
Rev Matthew Scott
Chair, Churches Together in Windsor
The Churches Together in Windsor Annual Assembly was held on Thursday 23rd November at the Methodist Church, Alma Rd, Windsor, SL4 3HH. The short business meeting was followed by a very interesting talk by Rachael Spender from the Bible Society.
Carols on the Hill was held on Friday 15th December by Queen Victoria’s statue in front of Windsor Castle. The collection raised around £850 which was divided equally between Thames Valley Cruse Bereavement Care and the Mission to Seafarers.
“For your diary”:
The Windsor Homeless Project will be holding a Sleep out from Friday 16th March 8pm to Saturday 17th March 7am to raise awareness of the homeless and raise funds. In the last 8 years, they have helped 58 men and women into accommodation, and around 40 people come for a meal two or three times every week. Donations can be made via the Windsor Baptist Church, Victoria Street or via the website at
Upcoming events at Windsor Parish Church of St John the Baptist, High Street:
- 6.30pm on Sunday 18th March. Devotional performance of Stainer’s Crucifixion and ‘Greater love’ (Ireland) with Reflection by Canon Dr Edmund Newell; Brian Henry (Conductor), John Halsey (Organ), Ben Alden (Tenor), Bruce Russell (Bass). FREE, with retiring collection split between RSCM Berkshire and the Parish Church Organ Appeal. Those wishing to sing, please contact [email protected]
- 7.30pm on Friday 23rd March. Illustrated talk by Hugo Vickers, DL “101 Years of the Royal House of Windsor”. Admission £10 including glass of wine. Proceeds to Parish Church Organ Appeal.
Following its five-star Edinburgh Fringe Festival run, critically acclaimed theatre company are thrilled to announce “Cathy” will be coming to The Old Court, Windsor on 22 – 23 March, alongside other UK dates this spring. We are very happy to announce that we have an allocation of £1 tickets for anyone who has experience or is at risk of homelessness. This includes people who are street homeless, in supported accommodation, NEET young people, those who are engaged in drug and alcohol support services or have experience of the criminal justice system. To find out more information about how to access this offer please email [email protected] or call Vicky on 020 7377 8948. We have a very limited number of £1 tickets so please to contact us as soon as possible. About Cathy: Inspired by Ken Loach and Jeremy Sandford’s ground-breaking film Cathy Come Home, Cathy continues Cardboard Citizens’ exploration of the state of housing and homelessness. This powerful and emotive play is written by award-winning playwright Ali Taylor and directed by Cardboard Citizens’ Artistic Director Adrian Jackson MBE, imagining a Cathy for the modern age. Based on true stories, the timely drama explores the impact of spiralling social housing costs, gentrification and the challenges of forced relocation through the compelling story of one family. Its story has proved so pertinent, the production was invited to play at both the House of Lords and as part of the Labour Party Conference during 2017.
Please come along to support the ecumenical Good Friday Witness at 12 noon on 30th March at the Post Office on Peascod Street. A brief open-air service will be held including readings, well-known hymns and a short play. This is a great opportunity for Christians to be a visible presence in the town to mark Good Friday. Meanwhile, Dedworth churches will be holding a joint service at Dedworth Green Baptist Church at 10.30am, followed by a prayer walk of the Dedworth community.
SASRA Windsor prayer group: Please come and support the next prayer meeting. This will take the form of a presentation on SASRA in general, outreach work with soldiers and families in Windsor and prayer in groups. 1830 – 1930 on Sunday 8 April 2018 at All Saints Church, Dedworth, Dedworth Road, Windsor, SL4 4JW. Parking: There is a small car park and parking in nearby streets. Please support the vital, urgent and growing work of the association. Check the web site for more details: Please confirm your participation to [email protected] or 07818 554 579.
‘God’s Kingdom is Stronger than Storms’: Every year people from the Windsor Churches work together to raise funds for Christian Aid. ‘God’s Kingdom is Stronger than Storms’ is the theme for this year’s Christian Aid week from 13-19 May, focussing on support for building homes in Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world. Relentlessly hit by earthquakes, hurricanes and storms, Christian Aid has funded a house building programme which has provided some of the strongest houses in the country, which are still standing when many others were destroyed by Hurricane Matthew. The Windsor Christian Aid Group is busy planning activities in many of the Windsor churches during Christian Aid week. Look out for ‘Big Brekkies’, house to house collections, quiz nights, sponsored runs, coffee mornings, plant sales and the annual ‘Walk the Country’ a wonderful walk through the Chilterns on Saturday 19 May – perhaps an alternative to watching the Royal Wedding? Archbishop Justin Welby writes ‘We’re stepping out together in God’s mission for the world’s poorest people, raising funds to help those in the greatest need live life more abundantly, because we believe in life before death’. Please consider how you might get involved, and contact your church representative, or Tracy Tickle on [email protected] or Sarah Gardner on [email protected].
If you would like to get active before then, there is a Sponsored Knit taking place organised on Saturday 24 March: if you are an enthusiastic knitter please contact Mary Brown on [email protected] for more details.
“Thy Kingdom Come” is an ecumenical prayer initiative in the week leading up to Pentecost, which this year falls on Sunday 20th May – look out for various services taking place in different churches during the previous week, which will be advertised later. We will be starting with the Women’s World Day of Prayer service on Friday 11th May at Dedworth Green Baptist Church, Smiths Lane at 7pm (which had to be postponed from its usual data in March due to the bad weather). All are welcome to come along – the theme this year is “All God’s creation is very good!”
Windsor Methodist Church are hosting a choir: “The Ladies of First Methodist Prattville” on Thursday 5th July at 7.30pm. The choir is The Chancel Choir of First United Methodist Church in Prattville, Alabama is a non-auditioned group made up of singers from varying musical and professional backgrounds. Our choir loft is filled with college students, teachers, doctors, pastors, & retirees who come together to share the love of God through song. This hard-working ensemble meets once a week for 90 minutes to prepare for its many worship responsibilities. Most importantly, serving as the service choir for our 8:30am & 11:00am traditional worship services. The Chancel Choir also prepares a Service of Lessons and Carols each Advent season as well as a modern major work each Spring. Described as eclectic, this group performs pieces from classical to contemporary; by such prolific composers as Handel, Mozart, Rutter, Todd, Hogan, and Wilburg. Recently, the Prattville FUMC Chancel Choir received invitations to sing at the Alabama Governor’s Mansion Candlelight Christmas Tour and to serve as Grand Marshals of the Prattville Community Christmas Parade. Tickets will be on sale from May.
Dedworth Green Baptist Church, Smiths Lane holds a fortnightly Games afternoon between 2.00 – 4.00pm on Saturday afternoons. Games suitable for all generations from table tennis, snooker, skittles, a variety of board games etc. – details can be found on our website
Also the local Carers Support Group meets at Dedworth Green Baptist Church on the 2nd Monday of the month 10.30am – 12.00 noon. The group is supported by the Signal Organisation and is open to anyone who is in a caring role.
Help needed
As discussed at the Churches Together Annual Assembly, “Allsorts” is a monthly group for adults with learning disabilities – similar to “Messy church” – including a Bible story, snacks and an activity related to the Bible theme. This has been running for some time in Maidenhead and we are setting up a group in Windsor, hosted by the Oakbridge centre, on a Tuesday evening. We have a small but good group of people interested in running it. We still need some more involvement from other volunteers though, especially people who can take a leadership role in turn with others. Anyone interested, please contact Revd. Kat Bracewell on [email protected] or Revd. Kate Harrison on [email protected]